
Economy, Fundamentals, Technicals

We call this four-year bull market without a want and we still get that feeling. People fought this move. We do not feel these people because they have to be.-invested Christopher Verrone, head of technical analysis, Strategas Research Partners, Whitney Kisling in "S & P 500 can exceed Record of Mid-Year, Says Strategas": Bloomberg News, 6 March 2013I cut chase.If you care about remote technical analysis, listening and re-listening to my interview with Chris Verrone. This is a tour-de-force trends, education, compared to the chase-knife - in-the-dark hope.Just as important, if you do not care two bits about graphs and their representations of the past, an audio interview for you.There is school of thought that the economy (in which the nominal gross domestic product a year?), Fundamental analysis (what TEV / EBITDA?), and graphs (which AdX / DMI not elegant) are two separate beasts ignored as investors focused on selected burden.I Her animals do not agree. And I was in J. company.John both Murphy was for decades the need to synthesize technical analysis in the continuum economy, basic, and technicals. Ed Hyman and Nancy Lazar and Jason Trennert and Chris Verrone and many others agree.Ignoring charts to help not losing money is requested. (I think I just wrote three Hobbesian negative!) Is equivalent to starting the day with one hand tied behind your back.Listen in mint Verrone clinic, whatever your bias and economic weight, basic, and technicals. Discuss.

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