
Looking for a Business to Run in New revitalized Downtown Area?

Looking for a place to add a Quick Lube away from your Super Wal-Mart competitors? Down Town Revitalization, Why You Should Be Part of a Committee.A study showed that in the next five years 20% of the LOF-Lube, Oil and Filter Independent Owners said they plan to add one or more devices. So the question is where? You have to think of Location Strategies for Quick Lubes and Where Will All Be Still. Right? Yes, it's true. And we had a discussion about trends lately. A good place to be at both ends of a town under revitalization district? Why? Now the brand name oil companies want to be in front of customers as well as do.also you can get incentives, tax breaks, loans from the local bank with fast and free stuff such as project money retrofitting revitalization of the old gas station or garage with sidewalk benches, planters, signage upgrades , old fashioned lights out side and pole on the sidewalk. People can fall out of their cars to walk to the town while you have plenty of opportunities to do service also carry higher end clients and that means you can get more to sell. See this trend happening across the country: 
Benefits Downtown revitalization plan was in the news as an economic development do their homework dance to attract players to invest and seek matching funds, see this article: "All cities will Cookeville'S" The Tennessean, TN [http: / /] example. You'll find thousands of articles in the local newspapers across the country as people revitalize their city areas.After reading this article, you need to ask yourself is your area of ​​town near a large city in the customer base? Is a ten mile radius outside of Zone Wal-Mart? Are there more than 2 other competitors in the zone? Demographic see your city area, if there Revitalization happens, get on board and stop the committee, under the city region is not just a small town Americana is estimated that the economic recovery and jobs and defeat evil. 
Are you also the opportunity for low interest loans, tax incentives, and a good customer base? I'm sure if you contact the brand of oil you use want to be there. Maybe you could get a grant to buy 30K based on the estimated oil from the oil companies or the 100K-150K interest-free loans and incentives to oil companies trading revitalization of money, grants and tax incentives. Maybe the power play for the second or third unit financing. I'm not sure I recommend to newcomers to the business. But you can bet that companies like Jiffy Lube franchises watching this trend as much as we Boys Oil Change and Car Wash Guys.

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